Underwater photography nikon d80 charger course, the most important light when the sun is at a low angle, a lot of light is refracted and can not enter the water. Therefore, the best use of underwater photography is the lighting conditions before and after the sun rose up within 2 hours. At this point the light to produce a magnificent effect, especially shooting silhouette photo. However, should normally be behind the sun and shine in their own subject.

As the speed of light is absorbed by water is far greater than the rate of absorption by air, so the intensity of light in the water with depth, the camera angles, have a great change. The best use of the camera's metering system metering frequently to ensure the accuracy of the exposure.nikon d70 charger

At night underwater photography, photographers have to get used in very dark light conditions focus, and the operation should be rapid. Because over time, the subject will quickly leave. Many wonderful aquatic appear only at night, so the photographer can adapt to conditions at night photography.

Also be affected by the human eye color on loss of water, especially in depths greater than 10m, it is often difficult to identify the original color of the object. Shooting can carry a small light source, it can restore the color play a role, will help select view.Battery Charger