"DiQianLiang" shooting canon digital ixus 750 battery is to point to a rapid change of filming the action, in action climax and moment there before an instant of pressing the shutter button. Humans see with the naked eye after the moment to pass through the brain respond to command to pressing the shutter button, during this process needs certain short time, the time is here said the "DiQianLiang". Is press the shutter time, it is also moment appeared, therefore, if can grasp and make a proper use of "DiQianLiang" shooting, wonderful moment miss rate will rarely picture.

Because everyone's canon powershot sd990 is battery reflect a piece of a slow speed, without special training videographer, photography reflects the speed of 1/60 seconds, which see a direct body, to the actual press on the shutter need 1/60 seconds. Although this time is very short, but enough to influence the picture taken effect instantly, in order to master this "DiQianLiang" shooting methods, training should pay attention to the following:

(1) to understand film projects. Taken to bite sports to advance understanding, such as the project characteristics, the climax of the athletes and transition movement, action, and estimate the pressing the shutter button roughly time.

(2) to understand took the speed of the project. Know the speed of some projects, and determined the shooting in the use of the shutter speed and "DiQianLiang". canon powershot sd890 is battery